Welcome! The FASD Portal is now the Michigan Children’s FASD System of Care.


Training for each component of the FASD System of Care:

Intro to FASD

2, 3 hour virtual sessions. Sign up for Intro to FASD training.


See requirements for endorsement at Michigan IMH-HV

FASD Beyond the Basics

2, 3 hour virtual sessions Sign up for FASD Beyond the Basics training.

FASD Screening and Assessment

4 hour in-person or 2, 2-hour virtual sessions


5, 6-hour sessions in person training + 1, 3-hour session, and 2, 45-minute virtual sessions on data submission + prerequisite Motivational Interviewing for Adolescents Training (3, 6 hour in-person sessions)


3, 6-hour sessions in person, and 2, 45-minute virtual sessions on data submission

Contact us for more information about The Children’s FASD System of Care.